Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cambodia Fact File


Country Name : Kingdom of Cambodia
Motto : Nation – Religion – King
Capital City : Phnom Penh
Government : Constitutional Monarchy
Important/Major City : Siem reap ( Gate way to the temple of Angkor Wat ), Sihanouk Ville ( Port and beach town ), Battambang,Kampong cham.
Major Rivers / Lakes : Tonle Sap river, Mekong river, Basac river, Tonle sap Lake .
International Airport : Phnom Penh , Siem reap.
Language : Khmer, Secondary language English and French.
Ethnic Group : Khmer (95%), ethnic-Chinese, ethnic-Vietnamese, Cham, several ‘hill tribes' in the northeast.
Religion : Theravada Buddhism (97%), Islam, Christianity, Animism, Caodaism.
Population of Cambodia : 13.1 million (2001 estimate).
Land area of Cambodia : 181,035Km2
Population of Phnom Penh : 1,184,945 (2001 estimate).
Land area of Phnom Penh : 357Km2.
Currency : Riel, US Dollars are as commonly use as riel.
Voltage : 220v/ 50 Hz.
Time : GMT +7 hours.
Business Hours : 7:30 – 11:30 / 2:00 – 5:00 , closed Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
Climate :
Practically speaking, Cambodia has four seasons:
• December – February, cool/dry
• March – May, hot/ dry
• June – august, hot/ wet
• September – November, cool/wet
The hottest day in the hot season rarely climb above 37o C and the cool season may push the mercury as low as 20oC. The monsoons between June and October follow a regular pattern. The regularity of the wet season rains make them easy to plan around.
Visas and Entry Requirement :
A visa is required for most nationalities. Vaccinations are not required. One-month visas are available on arrival international airports in Phnom Penh and Siem reap. Tourist visa: 20$, business visa: 25$, 1 photo required. Visas are also available at Thai/Cambodian overland border crossings, but not at border crossings with Vietnam and Laos .
Tourist visas can be extended for one month but only one time. Business visas can be renewed indefinitely. Renew visas through a travel agent or the ‘Department for Foreigners' on confederation de Rosie Blvd.
To and From Cambodia :
The majority of visitors fly onto the international airport at either Phnom Penh or Siem reap and also growing numbers are arrived via overland border crossings.
Arrival in Phnom Penh :
Airport Departure Tax:
-Cambodian: USD 5
-Foreigner: USD 6
-Cambodian: USD 18
-Foreigner: USD 25
Phnom Penh International airport:
On arrival, taxis or motorcycle taxis ( Motodup ) can be hired just out side the arrival lobby. There are no meter taxis.
Port of Phnom Penh :
The ferry port in Phnom Penh is on Sisowath quay at street 104, just north of the main river front park/ restaurant area. If you are arriving in Phnom Penh , there always motor taxis or car taxis available there.

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